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Ethics Shadowing Assignment

Ethics Shadowing Assignment
Order Description
This is a ” shadowing Assignment”, all the requirements are as below, please read carefully about the grading rubric very important for how professor gonna grade my paper. ESPECIALLY HAS TO RELATED TO THE TEXT BOOK ( I WILL ATTACH A PPT ON MY ORDER PAGE), PLEASE READ THE PPT! Each stage of the observed process is compared to the text process and
discussed reflectively. Specific reflection on what was learned about the selling process from the shadowing experience

VIDEO 5 links,please watch for it in order to put the relative idea into my paper

Being Your Best Self, Part 1: Moral Awareness

Being Your Best Self, Part 2: Moral Decision Making

Being Your Best Self, Part 3: Moral Intent

Being Your Best Self, Part 4: Moral Action

MKTG 430 Fall 2015 Shadowing Assignment Instructions
This assignment is to spend “a day” with a salesperson as he or she does his or her regular job.
Students must find the salesperson and obtain her/his permission to shadow her/him for the day.
Given the variety of activities involved in a career in sales, it will be impossible for all students to have a
uniform experience.
The goal is to spend time with a salesperson and observe them while interacting with customers.
Do not spend the day with someone that is only entertaining customers, such as taking them golfing.
After the shadowing day, write a paper about the experience. Report the activities you witnessed and
how they relate to this class. What did you see that is like the material in the courses? What was different?
What do you understand now as a result of this experience that you did not know before? The paper should be
between 6 and 10 pages long, excluding the cover page, double spaced, 1” margins, 12 point, Times New
Roman font. The report is due on December 2, 2015, uploaded to Canvas as a Word document.
The shadowing assignment is to allow you to gain perspective about what salespeople actually do in
their daily jobs. Ideally you will be able to observe a salesperson calling on a customer in person. The paper is
to report your experience and relate it to what you have learned in class. Your paper should contain the
following information.
Information about the Selling organization:
Business size (annual sales and profitability)
Local, regional, national, or international operation?
Products offered?
Products being sold to the customer visited?
Information about the Salesperson:
College attended and degree attained?
Experience level?
What type of training did they have?
Have they sold a variety of products or services or only a few?
Information about the Customer’s Organization:
Business size (annual sales and profitability)
Local, regional, national, or international operation?
Products offered?
Products offered that utilize the product or service being offered by the sales person?
Information about the Customer/Buyer:
New customer or repeat buyer?
Is the product being purchased critical to their operation?
Level of professionalism?
Level of interest in the salesperson’s presentation?
Body language signals?
Level of interest in purchasing?
Did they purchase or do you believe it is likely that they will purchase?
Analysis of the sales calls or customer interaction:
Address each stage of the selling process. Your paper must address each stage of the process as
indicated below. Did the sales person appear to follow the selling process as laid out in the text? Explain or
describe how the process was followed or not followed. For example, describe how/if the salesperson:
Prepared for the customer visit?
Got the customers attention?
Asked open-ended questions to determine the customer’s wants and dominant buying urge?
Presented or offered a solution to the customer?
Handled objections by presenting value-based solutions, then encouraged customers to purchase?
Completed the sale in a way that should lead to a continuation of business?
Assess your experience:
Your assessment should be specific to the context of your experience. You should provide your opinion
of the salesperson (good, medium, bad), your perception of their relationship with their customers, and how you
would handle the selling process and customers if you were in the salesperson’s position. You should discuss
what you learned about selling that you did not know before the shadowing experience.
Shadowing Experience Grading Rubric
Needs Work
Can understand all of what is being
communicated. Flawless grammar and
Can understand all of what is
being communicated. Only one
or two grammatical and/or
spelling errors.
Difficult to
grammatical and/or
spelling errors.
Separate cover sheet. Essay length
between six and ten pages, doublespaced,
1” margins, Times New Roman
12-point font.
Between six and ten pages, but
improper spacing (1.5 spacing)
or margins (not 1”) or font used
(not 12-point Times New
Roman) or no cover sheet.
Less than six and
more than ten
pages or singlespacing
or all three
of the items listed
in column 2.
and Readability
Essay has a clear introduction, body,
and conclusion. The introduction
addresses the essay purpose, the body
addresses the business context and
sales process, and the conclusion
addresses the overall learning
experience. All paragraphs are well
constructed with a main point and all
sentences in paragraphs support their
main point. The essay is easy to read.
Essay has a clear introduction,
body, and conclusion. The
introduction addresses the essay
purpose, the body addresses the
business context and sales
process, and the conclusion
addresses the overall learning
experience. Some paragraphs
are not well constructed.
Essay organization
is not clear and/ or
paragraphs are not
well constructed.
The essay is
difficult to read.
All areas of the assignment are covered
and addressed in detail. Sufficient
information is provided so that the
business situation, salesperson, and
buyer are readily understood in context,
each stage of the selling process is
addressed, and reflection on learning is
discussed in a thoughtful and analytical
All areas of the assignment
covered and addressed but
some important details about
the business, salesperson, or
buyer are omitted or some
information about the business,
salesperson, and buyer are not
clear. Each stage of the selling
process is addressed, and
reflection on learning is
Any one major area
of the assignment
is omitted.
Sales Process
and Reflection
All stages of the sales process are
clearly identified using terminology
from the text.
Each stage of the observed process is
compared to the text process and
discussed reflectively. Specific
reflection on what was learned about
the selling process from the shadowing
Some stage of the sales process
is not clearly identified or is
identified using terminology
not in the text and/or some
stage of the observed process is
not compared to the text
process. Moderate reflection on
what was learned about the
selling process.
Some of the
content was related
to the stages of the
personal selling
process but some
key information
was not provided
or a comparison to
the text was not
made. Little
reflection on
Reflection on learning from the overall
experience is thoughtful and ties
directly to the material presented in the
text/lecture. What you learned from the
experience is clearly explained as well
as what you would do differently if you
were the salesperson.
The shadowing experience
reflection is generally logical,
but is confusing in some places
or deviates from the material
presented in the lecture or text.
What you learned from the
experience is explained.
reflection is very
brief and shallow.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Ethics Shadowing Assignment

Ethics Shadowing Assignment
Order Description
This is a ” shadowing Assignment”, all the requirements are as below, please read carefully about the grading rubric very important for how professor gonna grade my paper. ESPECIALLY HAS TO RELATED TO THE TEXT BOOK ( I WILL ATTACH A PPT ON MY ORDER PAGE), PLEASE READ THE PPT! Each stage of the observed process is compared to the text process and
discussed reflectively. Specific reflection on what was learned about the selling process from the shadowing experience

VIDEO 5 links,please watch for it in order to put the relative idea into my paper

Being Your Best Self, Part 1: Moral Awareness

Being Your Best Self, Part 2: Moral Decision Making

Being Your Best Self, Part 3: Moral Intent

Being Your Best Self, Part 4: Moral Action

MKTG 430 Fall 2015 Shadowing Assignment Instructions
This assignment is to spend “a day” with a salesperson as he or she does his or her regular job.
Students must find the salesperson and obtain her/his permission to shadow her/him for the day.
Given the variety of activities involved in a career in sales, it will be impossible for all students to have a
uniform experience.
The goal is to spend time with a salesperson and observe them while interacting with customers.
Do not spend the day with someone that is only entertaining customers, such as taking them golfing.
After the shadowing day, write a paper about the experience. Report the activities you witnessed and
how they relate to this class. What did you see that is like the material in the courses? What was different?
What do you understand now as a result of this experience that you did not know before? The paper should be
between 6 and 10 pages long, excluding the cover page, double spaced, 1” margins, 12 point, Times New
Roman font. The report is due on December 2, 2015, uploaded to Canvas as a Word document.
The shadowing assignment is to allow you to gain perspective about what salespeople actually do in
their daily jobs. Ideally you will be able to observe a salesperson calling on a customer in person. The paper is
to report your experience and relate it to what you have learned in class. Your paper should contain the
following information.
Information about the Selling organization:
Business size (annual sales and profitability)
Local, regional, national, or international operation?
Products offered?
Products being sold to the customer visited?
Information about the Salesperson:
College attended and degree attained?
Experience level?
What type of training did they have?
Have they sold a variety of products or services or only a few?
Information about the Customer’s Organization:
Business size (annual sales and profitability)
Local, regional, national, or international operation?
Products offered?
Products offered that utilize the product or service being offered by the sales person?
Information about the Customer/Buyer:
New customer or repeat buyer?
Is the product being purchased critical to their operation?
Level of professionalism?
Level of interest in the salesperson’s presentation?
Body language signals?
Level of interest in purchasing?
Did they purchase or do you believe it is likely that they will purchase?
Analysis of the sales calls or customer interaction:
Address each stage of the selling process. Your paper must address each stage of the process as
indicated below. Did the sales person appear to follow the selling process as laid out in the text? Explain or
describe how the process was followed or not followed. For example, describe how/if the salesperson:
Prepared for the customer visit?
Got the customers attention?
Asked open-ended questions to determine the customer’s wants and dominant buying urge?
Presented or offered a solution to the customer?
Handled objections by presenting value-based solutions, then encouraged customers to purchase?
Completed the sale in a way that should lead to a continuation of business?
Assess your experience:
Your assessment should be specific to the context of your experience. You should provide your opinion
of the salesperson (good, medium, bad), your perception of their relationship with their customers, and how you
would handle the selling process and customers if you were in the salesperson’s position. You should discuss
what you learned about selling that you did not know before the shadowing experience.
Shadowing Experience Grading Rubric
Needs Work
Can understand all of what is being
communicated. Flawless grammar and
Can understand all of what is
being communicated. Only one
or two grammatical and/or
spelling errors.
Difficult to
grammatical and/or
spelling errors.
Separate cover sheet. Essay length
between six and ten pages, doublespaced,
1” margins, Times New Roman
12-point font.
Between six and ten pages, but
improper spacing (1.5 spacing)
or margins (not 1”) or font used
(not 12-point Times New
Roman) or no cover sheet.
Less than six and
more than ten
pages or singlespacing
or all three
of the items listed
in column 2.
and Readability
Essay has a clear introduction, body,
and conclusion. The introduction
addresses the essay purpose, the body
addresses the business context and
sales process, and the conclusion
addresses the overall learning
experience. All paragraphs are well
constructed with a main point and all
sentences in paragraphs support their
main point. The essay is easy to read.
Essay has a clear introduction,
body, and conclusion. The
introduction addresses the essay
purpose, the body addresses the
business context and sales
process, and the conclusion
addresses the overall learning
experience. Some paragraphs
are not well constructed.
Essay organization
is not clear and/ or
paragraphs are not
well constructed.
The essay is
difficult to read.
All areas of the assignment are covered
and addressed in detail. Sufficient
information is provided so that the
business situation, salesperson, and
buyer are readily understood in context,
each stage of the selling process is
addressed, and reflection on learning is
discussed in a thoughtful and analytical
All areas of the assignment
covered and addressed but
some important details about
the business, salesperson, or
buyer are omitted or some
information about the business,
salesperson, and buyer are not
clear. Each stage of the selling
process is addressed, and
reflection on learning is
Any one major area
of the assignment
is omitted.
Sales Process
and Reflection
All stages of the sales process are
clearly identified using terminology
from the text.
Each stage of the observed process is
compared to the text process and
discussed reflectively. Specific
reflection on what was learned about
the selling process from the shadowing
Some stage of the sales process
is not clearly identified or is
identified using terminology
not in the text and/or some
stage of the observed process is
not compared to the text
process. Moderate reflection on
what was learned about the
selling process.
Some of the
content was related
to the stages of the
personal selling
process but some
key information
was not provided
or a comparison to
the text was not
made. Little
reflection on
Reflection on learning from the overall
experience is thoughtful and ties
directly to the material presented in the
text/lecture. What you learned from the
experience is clearly explained as well
as what you would do differently if you
were the salesperson.
The shadowing experience
reflection is generally logical,
but is confusing in some places
or deviates from the material
presented in the lecture or text.
What you learned from the
experience is explained.
reflection is very
brief and shallow.

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